Wu Law Group, P.C., is a firm dedicated to linking the Asian (Chinese & Korean) community with a group of well-founded practice and reputable attorneys in the areas of Estate Planning, Tax, Immigration and Family Law. It is situated in Flushing, the largest Chinatown in New York, focusing on the post-immigration needs of both families and businesses.
After serving the Flushing area for years, we found that more than 50% of other law firms in this area are usually specialized in immigration and real estate practices. More than 80% of law firms have immigration practices. Upon doing a research at Martindale.com (a lawyer directory website) for Flushing, NY, only one firm had specialized in Estate Planning and Tax Law. We also heard people comment that they could not find affordable attorneys who can help them solve these problems.
While immigration attorneys abound in Flushing, New York, a large number of complicated and decrepit immigration cases are still under-served. The complicated immigration issues include but not limited to mandamus actions in federal court, LCA audit defenses, Administrative Procedures Act Judicial Review, Appeals, USCIS litigation such as the filing of lawsuits related L and H denials.
As the main liaison attorney, Louisa Wu has the chance to confer with the high-profiled attorneys in New York and New Jersey regions. It is her impression that the cultural barriers and knowledge barrier are the main reason for the gap of supply and needs. Good attorneys found it difficult market themselves to clients. Clients found it hard to find good attorneys.
Since we are focused on the market side of legal services, we welcome the joining of attorneys who have above 10 years of experience and are interested to expand their practices into this huge business market. We will walk you through the whole process with no worries.

William S. Ravenell II, ESQ., MA.

Michael E. Piston, ESQ.